Does your Sales and Marketing Team frequently look for company and contact information?

You're probably wondering where people get the right information to quickly get things going for your prospects! Fear not, there is a solution for that! Introducing Sales.Rocks!


What is Sales.Rocks?

Sales.Rocks automates sales prospecting and outreach with advanced contact searches and verification, plus customizable email drip campaigns.


How to Get the Right Company and Contact Data with Sales.Rocks

  1. First you'll need to signup for an account on their website here.


  2. Once logged in, you'll need to do either a Company or Contact Search


  3. Use their advanced search to filter all the company and contact information to your needs


  4. You can send emails from inside the platform after connecting your email account for that outreach campaign!


  5. They even have an email and phone verifier right inside the sales toolkit!


  6. Now your Sales and Marketing team will always be finding the right company and contact information for their campaigns!