Are you an organizer or a business looking forward to hosting a conference by 2021?

You'd probably looked at the Z platform, but maybe you should start with the A first! Introducing a virtual events platform - Airmeet!

What is Airmeet?

Airmeet is an all-in-one platform to host immersive virtual events and offer real networking opportunities for participants.

How to Launch your own Virtual Event Conference with Airmeet

  1. Login or Signup for an account on their website at

    How to Launch your own Virtual Event Conference with Airmeet

  2. Once you are logged in, click the CREATE AIRMEET button to start creating your virtual Meetup or Conference.

    How to Launch your own Virtual Event Conference with Airmeet

  3. Fill up the details for your event such as the Title, Description, Image Banners, and turn on Social Lounge which are like virtual tables where participants can network or talk with each other! Meetups are single track virtual conferences and does not have booths or sponsors feature.

    How to Launch your own Virtual Event Conference with Airmeet

  4. Conference mode is for multi-track events and great for a large event with multiple speakers, booths, and sponsors. Just click on Start Airmeet and your event is done!

    How to Launch your own Virtual Event Conference with Airmeet

  5. You can set your event as Private or Public (listed on the Airmeet homepage)

    How to Launch your own Virtual Event Conference with Airmeet