If you're anything like me, you have a few blog posts you'd like to get out and a few blog posts you need to work on.

I'm always happy to finally publish an article, but when it comes to actually writing one, not so much.

When you write for a blog, you create content for a specific audience. However, when you blog, you have to create your content based on the needs of the blog.

Blogely is a powerful suite of tools that can help you create blog posts faster and smarter.

What is Blogely?

Blogely is a software that helps you create, organize, plan, SEO optimize, publish, and compete with other articles on the web.

How to Streamline your Article Creation Process with Blogely

  1. First you'll need an account so signup or login at blogely.com

    How to Streamline your Article Creation Process with Blogely

  2. Once logged in, you'll be given the choice to Write a New Article, Import an Existing Article, Start New Research, SEO Optimize, View your Editorial Calendar, Publish your Article and so many more options.

    How to Streamline your Article Creation Process with Blogely

  3. Let's start by Creating an Article. You can Create new Blocks or Sections to your Article. You'll see that you are able to organize all related Article Assets like Notes, Research, Library, and Backups. You can also do SEO Optimization, Collaborate, Plagiarism check, and get a Paraphrased Summary of your Content.

    How to Streamline your Article Creation Process with Blogely

  4. Once your team is done and happy with your article, you can export your article as HTML, PDF, or plain TEXT.

    How to Streamline your Article Creation Process with Blogely