Do you feel like you’re wasting time and money on SEO?

If so, it’s time to take your SEO to the next level. And the best way to do that is through Keyword Research and Analysis.

This article will show you how to do Keyword Research and Audit using Audiit. Audiit is a powerful tool that will help you determine the right keywords for your website, and ultimately, get you more traffic.

What is SEO competition analysis tool gives you all the information you need to optimize your website and rank #1 in Google.

How to do Keyword Research and Audit using

  1. First you need to signup for an account or login on their website at

    How to do Keyword Research and Audit using

  2. Once logged in, select your search engine location then enter the keyword to begin your keyword research. If you'd like to audit your existing website or blog post, enter your URL.

    How to do Keyword Research and Audit using

  3. will recommend optimizations for your chosen URL based on the average keyword density, metas, images, and many more parameters - and compare them with the competition.

    How to do Keyword Research and Audit using

  4. You can easily retrieve all reports - keyword research and audits done within the platform by going to the Reports tab.

    How to do Keyword Research and Audit using